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Introduction to WebMail

Mailtraq WebMail is a web-based e-mail client which is built in to Mailtraq. You will need a WebMail license, but no additional software. Use WebMail instead of installing mail clients on to each computer, making considerable savings on software and administration costs.

The easiest way to implement e-mail

So you want to give everyone in your organisation e-mail? Follow these steps...

Obtain an account with an Internet Service Provider

Install Mailtraq (with WebMail)

Start using it

When each user browses to WebMail, they can create their own account. (Of course, you could do that for them.)

While your users discover e-mail, you can sit back and discover the many other powerful features Mailtraq provides. For example, the above configuration also gave every user access to the Internet (if you wish... you can carefully control access too).

The Mailtraq Web Administrator

One of the most important features of Mailtraq is its ability to be managed from a remote Web browser.

Using the Mailtraq Web Administrator you can configure services, manage mailboxes, administrate mailing lists, monitor and control dialup connections, and even read mail. All this from a machine thousands of miles away from your server. And because web browsers are cross-platform, this is an ideal way to integrate a network made up of different operating systems and machine types.

Since web browsers are installed as standard on practically every machine, you can get at your mail within moments of using a machine right out of the box.

Now you can leave your server locked away in the basement and manage it from your workstation. More importantly, you can share the administrative workload by having many users administrate the various Mailtraq services you provide to your network.

Info Pages

Introducing Mailtraq

Internet Mail Server
Internet Proxy Server
News & Mailing List Server
Archives & Dialup
Web & FTP Server
WebMail & Web Admin
Content Barring & Scripting

Value Added Services

Pricing Information

(c) MagnaCom Limited, Crossford Mill, Beith Road, Johnstone. PA10 2NS
Tel: +44(0)1505 706000 Email: Click Here To Email

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